Re: Pre-flood rejuvenation/Something you should really examine.

Hexslinger ( )
Sun, 1 Mar 1998 20:27:56 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 2 Mar 1998, John Berry wrote:

> But people in submarines would find similar effects, people in mines and
> also in Alaska and Antarctica would find little UV and gamma rays, people
> who live in always overcast places and where people stay in lot's would have
> allot less UV and gamma radiation.
> But I think that submarines are the closest to the underwater biosphere
> situation and people stay down for long times at deep levels with no noted
> effect AFAIK.
> What is so different about the submarine situation that it does not block UV
> and gamma?

The difference being that submarines are nuclear powered - they give off
enough of their own lovely radiation across the spectrum (albeit very
little) -- but the main point here is that submarines dont stay underwater
long enough for there to be any noticeable effect. After all, do *YOU*
know of anyone who's been in a sub CONSTANTLY for 10 years? I dont.