Re: Something you should really examine.

CJT Enterprises one ( (no email) )
Sun, 01 Mar 1998 06:28:26 PST

Hi everyone,

>At 03:09 1/03/98 -0800, you wrote:
>>Hi Bob, Dr. Jones et al!
>>One thing Lloyd Pye said that he got from Sitchins translations of
>>of the Sumerian tablets....people lived up to 400,000 years.....and I
>>found it hard to buy the East Indian Vedic stories that people once
>>to be 10,000 years old but grew 200 feet tall....
>Yeah, gotta be careful with this stuff. They only lived so long because
>counted in a different base to us - not base 10 but a lower one.
>The 200 ft tall ones seem to be a bit of a stretch, Goliath was 10 ft
>dinosaurs couln't have been over 100 ft..
About the counting first. The Jewish calendar was based on 360 day
years i believe it was every 10 yrs they added one month to make up for
the lost time. They counted lifespans as we do. When it was said these
people lived 900+ yrs it meant 900+ yrs. This was possible due to the
water suspened around the planet. Not only did this block out harmful
UV and Gamma radiation, but it created an oxygen rich atmosphere with
greater air pressure than we currently have now. This would allow the
so-called "vesitgial organs and glands" of man to function which could
keep him alive up to 1000yrs.
A friend of mine who worked for the NSA related an experiment that
was conducted by NASA. Three scientists lived on the floor of the ocean
for about 1-3 months in a biosphere. When they left they were all
middle aged with graying hair and low libidos. When they returned their
hair was clear of gray, their wrinkles had started to disappear, and
their sex drive was so increased that their wives complaied to NASA
about it. It turns out that certain glands and organs were
"reactivated." One in particular was the gland that lies over the top
of the heart. Blood tests showed unusual hormones. Hormones that are
normally associated with the growth of young children.

If you check the Creation Research Center and look up the url for the
Creation Research Institute you can then find the geologist who
recreated the atmosphere of the flood in a container. I havent checked
for his name yet. Been behind on my page and other projects, but I am
having a pastor friend look into it for me.

What if we take this knowledge and build a "room" that emulates the
atmosphere of the Earth before the flood and sleep in it for 8 hours a
day? What effects might it have? My friend from the NSA said that for
every day spent in there one year was added onto your life until you
maxed out at 1000.


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