Re: Something you should really examine.

Dr Jones ( )
Sun, 1 Mar 1998 22:42:41 +1300

At 03:09 1/03/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Bob, Dr. Jones et al!

>One thing Lloyd Pye said that he got from Sitchins translations of some
>of the Sumerian tablets....people lived up to 400,000 years.....and I
>found it hard to buy the East Indian Vedic stories that people once lived
>to be 10,000 years old but grew 200 feet tall....

Yeah, gotta be careful with this stuff. They only lived so long because they
counted in a different base to us - not base 10 but a lower one.

The 200 ft tall ones seem to be a bit of a stretch, Goliath was 10 ft and
dinosaurs couln't have been over 100 ft..