My first response ever! I was after Anti-grav topics, but this caught my attention... =)
Anyway, this reminds me of a novel I read that discusses different biblical "phenomena" (the parting of the red sea, the ark of the covenant, etc.) and their corresponding scientific explanations. One of them was the higher concentration of oxygen in the air due to a vapor canopy that enveloped the pre-deluvial earth. According to that book, it was that same canopy that flooded the earth, among other things.
It was because of that higher O2 levels that, according to the author, modern man could probably run the cirucmference of the earth without suffering from fatigue, or something to that effect. It also explains, if memory doesn't fail me, the metallic post in India that doesn't corrode. The increased relative air pressure when the post was forged makes it "stainless" in todays atmosphere.
Dino- @}
At 11:19 PM 2/26/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Jon et al!
>You suggested trying;
>This reminds me of an experiment done by the guy who runs the place. It
>was told to some of us by a Plano couple who've visited there and knew
>this scientist.
>The scientist (can't recall his name but I want to eventually get and
>post the full details of his experiment) wants to use science to prove
>that the Bible claims are correct.
>He is of the opinion that the atmosphere long ago was at least 35%
>oxygen. Today, depending on where you measure it, it runs from about 18%
>up to about 25%.