Gravitational Constant

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 16:52:51 -0800

Hi Folks!

I thought this would be interesting, it is a response from me to an email
suggesting KeelyNet links to recent gravity shielding experiments;

> I already have links to the Tampere experiment, John Schnurers' 5%
> weight loss, Dan Davidsons up to 800% weight loss, the NASA
> experiment and a couple of others, on the index97 page.
> For my money, John Schnurer is the man here. Dan is using a stimulated
> pyramid geometry that interacts with gravity, described in his paper at
> and in the book Shape Power.
> Hey, if it was so simple to do any of this, everyone would know
> it...the problem is people don't try any experiments, they just read
> and talk.
> One of my problems that I will admit to, though my experiments are in a
> different area and BECAUSE I've gotten no success to date, I have not
> posted the results, to what end?

The email said;
> in regards to the link you sent me to the shape power stuff.....
> One thing that caught my fancy wast this quote from the npap1.htm:
>> The charge of an electron, the Rydberg constant, and <<< gravitational
>> constant >>> are also derivable from simple fluid mechanics 1,2
>> treatment of the aether. See Table 1 for a summary of the simple
>> relationships of the basic atomic and electrical constants as derived
>> using fluid mechanics and treating aether as a superfluidic
>> particulate medium.
> the stuff in the <<< stuff >>> brackets are what caught my attention.
> Acording to some material posted up on keelynet that research done in
> the 20's proved that there was no gravitational constant. Apparently
> diamagnetic materials were less affected by gravity (either emitted
> less or less attracted to other masses less, probably both). Um,
> maybe you want to verify this by digging up some of this older stuff.
> It should still be on the website. Doesn't this kind of disprove
> (maybe partially) this aetheric theory? Assuming this experiment was
> carried out with accuracy (no stray magnetic fields???)...
> Maybe if someone could carry out this experiment nowadays then we
> could see some very definite results. Supposedly the experiment that
> was done in the 20's was done with much accuracy... Shouldn't be too
> hard to do, just need good labratory conditions.
> ah well... if the shape power devices really work, then maybe there
> is something to this guy's theory.--
Jerry W. Decker / / "From an Art to a Science"
Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187