Re: Searl Magnets

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 25 Feb 1998 02:43:14 -0800

Hi Bill!

You wrote;
> Do you believe that Searle is truthful in his claims, IE:
> Searle created special magnets that would continuously move, without
> stopping, around one another;
> that Searle created a generator based on this magnet design which
> levitated AND produced 'free energy'.

I have to say I don't BELIEVE anything, especially in this racket...<g>.
The word itself smacks of religion and is totally inappropriate. I met
Searl twice and he was very evasive when I asked anything technical or
for any details....he also rambled a lot about subjects irrelevant to the
conversation. The other people from our group also got similar
impressions in their discussions (attempts) with him.

A fellow I am in contact with said he SAW the magnet demo when Searl
visited him. He described this stacked swirling configuration. I can't
see throwing out the whole idea just because it is a Searl claim. His
name just happens to be the moniker attached.

Much like 'Brown's Gas' which is really 'Rhodes Gas' but which I am now
calling hydroxyl or 'water' gas, since it is hydrogen and oxygen produced
from dissociating water. Screw proper names, we need repeatable

The idea of a swirling magnetic field exists without Searl and I was
posting it more for discussion and possible experiment than as a
promotion for Searl.

I do think there is something going on with magnetism which is STILL not
realized, thus the correlation to TOMI, SMOT & Hamel. If you can indeed
make a self-running magnetic arrangement, you should be able to place a
coil in proximity of the moving magnetic fields and induce current, i.e.
free electricity. Works for me.

If it happens to be Searl, fine, same for Harris (TOMI), Watson (SMOT) or
Hamels Spinner....just something that works, I won't obsess on names of
inventors when I can build or test my own working device.

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187