
Jean-Pierre Lentin ( )
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 15:42:55 +0100 (MET)

Hi Jerry, Helen & all

I'm holding my breath for more about cymatics... Peter Guy Manners... sound
patterns that heal and rejuvenate... "cymatics on the farm"... sounds great !

A request to Jerry : could you point us to more info about what Keely did
with Chladni sound figures ?

A thought : as far as I know, cymatic patterns are not produced by "complex
sound", but rather by simple and single frequencies. Or am I wrong ?

An info : back in 1993 a French researcher called Daniel Arfib did a
computer program for digital simulation of Chladni/cymatics figures. Superb
images, with "false colors" rendition of pressure zones... Too bad they're
not on the web. Last week I contacted Arfib (thinking about Jerry's idea of
a "cymatic oscilloscope") and he sent me a print of his only article on the
subject. Turns out it's all done by calculations, you enter the frequency
as a numerical data, there is no actual sound. But I still wonder if it
could work with a "real sound" input, so I mailed him this question and
await his answer.

Cheers to all

Jean-Pierre Lentin