Re: Peter Guy Manners Meeting

Helen Hendricks ( )
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 05:17:33 -0600

Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> Hi Folks!
> Well, just got back from an all day session first at Peter Guy Manners
> workshop followed by hanging out at the bar and having dinner with a
> small group of folks and Dr. Manners....amazing fellow.
> I took copious notes with I will type up and post to this list...this guy
> just blew us all away....he was sitting to my left, not 8 inches away, I
> slid a fork across the table and asked him to do his thing...he jokingly
> refused, then put his hand about 2 inches above it and the fork bent in
> the middle lifting toward his hand as it heated and attracted
> magnetically...we all saw it and couldn't believe it...I immediately
> touched the fork, NO HEAT.....he said he could not explain how he does
> this, it just happens....during the course of the dinner, he bent about 7
> other pieces....some with his hand or arm just within inches of the fork
> or spoon and the flippin thing bent as we watched....on two of those
> occasions, he pulled his hand away and the thing still bent in front of
> our eyes....the two waiters had dropped jaws as they saw of
> them brought an about 20 additional forks and just grinned like a kid
> with a new toy when he saw this happen....anyway, I still can't believe
> it but I have a sample as does each of the other 5 people at the table...
> He doesn't want this to be what he is known for...cymatics, using complex
> sound patterns to rejuvenate and heal tissue...the machine is unique and
> pure Keely, much like Sternheimer, Delawarr, Jenny and others...planning
> to make this kind of healing a serious part of KeelyNet...amazing
> stuff....
> --
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187
jerry i told you that peter guy manners was coming with to be with us in
houston on feb 23, 24, 25 and 26 and got no reply no i am reading that
you were at a meeting with him why dont you come on down to houston and
let us work on you with the cymatics machine and show you how we are
using cymatics on the farm, it is something like jean pierre picked up
at the fench enhancement....and thats just a