Re: Re : Telomere Melodies?

CJT Enterprises one ( (no email) )
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 03:53:30 PST


Your statements concerning the effects of the human mind on aging are
inaccurate. Aging is not strictly a biological process. It has been
shown that proper thoughts, good thoughts not only promote health but
longevity. There was a study done (I shall try to post the ref in
another email) in which women who where chronically depressed showed
extreme osteoporisis (sp?) that would be attributed to women 80 yrs old
or older. These women were no older than 35. To test the effects of a
positive mindset the researchers had these women read the Bible everyday
for 30 minutes. This went on for I believe 6 months at the end of which
testing was done again on their bone structure. Results: close to
normal bone structure. Little or no sign of osteoporisis. The article
did state that this only occurred (damn is that one r or 2) in women who
read it daily and believed it over time. Yet even those who did not
believe it but read it daily noticed a remarkable improvement. I would
suggest you pickup a copy of Orison Swett Marden's book the Miracle of
Right Thought from Sun Books. I believe they may be on the web. Also
another flaw in your assumption on this subject is that the theory of
evolution is true. This will naturally lead to an erroneous belief that
the thoughts in the mind do not control the body. Lucky for us the
leading scientists of the day no longer listen to the philosophical
belief of evolution.


PS Hey Jerry there is one for your PoP Evolution

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