Re: [Fwd: Re: Re : Telomere Melodies?]

Dan A. Davidson ( (no email) )
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 21:58:39 -0700

At 08:17 PM 2/19/98 +0500, you wrote:
>Dan A. Davidson wrote:
>> HI All,
>> According to my understanding, aging is due to consciousness. The
>> negative patterns in mind and feelings generate the destruction of
>> the body.
>> Besides, if a person is not constructive they are serving no real
>> usefull service, only adding to the world's suppy of negative energy,
>> and need to get out of the body and get rejuvenated and come back and
>> try again.
>> Dan
>Err, Dan, What you are implying is that if people meet this criteria,
>they should commit suicide, and come back in different jeans?

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