Puzzling Gravity

Hexslinger ( hexslngr@internet-frontier.net )
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 02:01:01 -0800 (PST)

Ok, many of us here believe that gravity is a push (and I tie this in with
electromagnetics quite readily). However, something has really been
bothering me as of late. A question that someone brought up that really
does have me thinking:

If gravity is caused purely by a push (in this case, photon-pressure),
then how come we continue to be held to the earth even when on the
night-side of the planet? Wouldn't that indicate the aether is ENTRAINED
around the earth - and if so, how is it entrained and *WHAT* causes it?
That's the only way I can explain it - but I'm not sure how.

Anyone got any ideas?