Re: Graduated Forcefalls

Hexslinger ( )
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 22:03:15 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 16 Feb 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi John et al!
> You wrote;
> > an aether that creates gravity can't have gravity it's self or one
> > that exists in space can't create the space it is in.
> Inertia, gravity, magnetism, time are all CHILDREN of Aether. I think
> you are belaboring the point here, John...aether as I understand it, when
> interferred with;

I've been trying to explain this concept to him - obviously one of us is
missing something -- hopefully he'll be able to clear up what he meant -
I'd hate to be missing anything important.

> Aether slows to gravity
> gravity slows to magnetism
> magnetism slows to electricity
> electricity slows to light
> light slows to heat
> heat slows to sound
> sound slows to physical vibration
> physical vibration slows to mass
> (note, this is a MODEL, gravity could well be under magnetism)

Good - I was going to say, guy. :) (the part about gravity -- since
gravity is caused by a difference in charge... man, I should probably
write a Bearden-like rant of all my gripes -- I've got some gripes about
the term "magnetized" - "magnetized" objects, simply aren't. Lines of
force - aren't (they're the spirals of the swirling vortex into a neutral
center). But anyway, what was I going to say...

Oh yeah. That chart really should be adjusted (due to some thoughts of my
own), to read something like:

Aether slows to magnetism
magnetism slows to sound
sound slows to ? (mass?)

[The reason for this being that: gravity is a PUSH caused by the aether
being absorbed into the neutral centers of a mass -- this flow into the
mass then (obviously) exits the mass, in a complete circuit. That's
gravity for ya. :) "Electricity" is merely the flow of charge (current).
The Aether *IS* charge. Lastly: heat is the vibrations of atoms... since
we know that atoms can be identified by nuclear magnetic resonance, and
that heat can be induced by electromagnetic fields, I think it's safe to
assume that heat *IS* magnetic in nature -- although, sound can cause heat
too (since we know sound can effect atoms as well). Neat, eh? Lastly:
sound *IS* physical vibration --- mechanical motion is just infrasonic
(too low in frequency to behold). They are one and the same]

Wow. I'm sure that'll probably stir some imaginations... I hope.

[Now *THIS* is good -- 10+ messages in one day - THAT's more like it.] :)