Re: Graduated Forcefalls

Hexslinger ( )
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 20:28:53 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 17 Feb 1998, John Berry wrote:

> The aether cannot have any quality it it's self supports, so if the aether IS
> the fabric space time as you say, It cannot exist in time or space, it can't
> have a property it supports or in other words it can't support it's self.
> So your description on the nature of the aether seems self contradictory

The aether is spacetime - pure charge itself - how is that contradictory?
Time is merely the clock-pulsing action caused by the interaction of
different energies with themselves or with matter (all of which come from
the aether itself). Of course - something had to START the first change in
the charge of the aether that started the universe -- in which case, yes,
the aether had to have been created by something or someone because it
couldn't have appeared spontaneously - the universe is a paradox, deal
with it. This does not mean that the aether doesn't exist simply because
we can't explain how it came into being - now THAT is silly.