Re: Graduated Forcefalls

Dan A. Davidson ( (no email) )
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 07:54:19 -0700

In answer to your question, Jerry has one of my articles on Sonics which
shows that sound can essentially create very high frequency (i.e. short
wavelength) pressure waves in the aether.

>From my research, charge as well as all the other force are modifications
in the aether. All the equations for the various forces wrt the aether are
derived in my Shape Power book and I believe that they are also in one of
the articles on

Dan A. Davidson

At 07:44 PM 2/15/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Jerry - everybody - lend me your ears! :)
>Here's a question for those of you familiar with Keely's work.
>The way I see it, Keely was right - all energy radiates from and
>eventually returns to the aether. Energy is converted from one "force
>band" to the next by passing through neutral centers. These forces are
>defined as (to my knowledge):
>Charge ("electricity"/aether) --> graduates through atomoles to:
> Magnetic Flux (is this Keely's "compound aether"?) --> thru atoms to:
> Sound (mass-aggregate vibration) --> ?
>So here's my question (oops - two in fact, now):
>1) Assuming that charge is the equivalent of "spatial pressure", I assume
>there is an accoustic counterpart, right? Would that accoustic counterpart
>be what we know as "shock waves"?
>2) Did Keely ever mention whether there are any forces built up from sound
>that sound graduates to, and if not does the graduation of energy simply
>end with accoustics, or does the process "loop back around" (i.e. where
>sound is converted back into lower forces and so on down the line - and
>presumably back again)?
>Oy. There's a brand new can of worms for ya.
>Common - this list has been lagging lately... topic for today:
>scalar waves - neither scalar, nor waves - DISCUSS. :)
>[It's a joke. Laugh.]

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