Re: Graduated Forcefalls

Hexslinger ( )
Sun, 15 Feb 1998 22:03:53 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 15 Feb 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> I don't know about charge being 'spatial pressure' though it is an
> interesting statement. Shock waves as far as I know can occur at any
> frequency and in any medium, consisting of high density, short duration
> bursts.

As I understand it, the aether (being the very fabric of spacetime -
spacetime itself) consists of various flows of scalar 'charge'. I believe
Bearden said in his infamous list of gripes with conventional EM theory
that the aether can be described as the 'spatial pressure' in a given
region (hence where I came up with that). I suppose that's not the
greatest term for it, but it'll have to do.

> I'm not saying Keely said this, but the graduation is really a division
> of sound where it manifests as pressure, then matter. The term
> 'graduation' is a harmonizing of the mass aggregate constituents so that
> they are all in phase, if not actually resonant....such as in a Bose
> Einstein Condensate.

I'm not sure I understand this at all. It was my understanding that
"graduation" was the conversion of one form of energy to the next, as I