[Fwd: Graduated Forcefalls]

Dave ( gravman@netinc.ca )
Sun, 15 Feb 1998 23:59:16 +0500

>Hexslinger wrote:
> Jerry - everybody - lend me your ears! :)
>>{Common} - this list has been lagging lately... topic for today:
> scalar waves - neither scalar, nor waves - DISCUSS. :)
> [It's a joke. Laugh.]

Mr Axeslinger!

First off, you used the word above in curly brackets -{Common}.
Don't you mean - "C'mon" or "Come On"?...like truckers on CB use?

Secondly, check out an old dudes website:

Gene Goodman at this site thinks he has almost all the Aether answers,
which he
attributes to a book "The Ethereal Aether" by Loyd Swensen. He explains
the Aether (which he spells ether), and all mass is nothing but standing

Let me know vat you think!