Re: Smith Coils

Hexslinger ( )
Sat, 14 Feb 1998 00:02:07 -0800 (PST)

On Sat, 14 Feb 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> Regarding Smith coils as opposed to Caduceus coils....
> I was thinking a Smith coil were two separate wires wrapped at a 45
> degree angle to each other and that were to remain unconnected so that
> you have two wires on each end, four wires total.
> A caduceus coil is also 2 wires similarly wound at 45 degree angles, but
> connected on one end so that you have one continuous counterwound wire.
> This is supposed to be bifilar in that it cancels the magnetic field,
> leaving only the electric field (also called 'motional' by Hooper and
> 'scalar by Bearden).

Ah, I see now... two seperate wires? Err... trying to imagine how you'd
wind that...

> This is a bit confusing because as I understand it a pure scalar results
> from a complete 180 degree phase angle between two identical frequencies.
> This cancels to produce the spacial stress wave.

Newsflash, Jerry: All vector magnetic fields result from scalars -- hence,
phase-cancellation of *ANY* kind will result in a scalar being produced.
The magntiude of the scalar stress depends upon the degree of
cancellation. One way to test this little theory would be to take two
caduceus coils, pointed at each other, and try varrying the way the wires
are wound around them (so that they cross at odd-angles instead of 180
degrees)... you should still see scalar effects.

> With the Smith coil, being at 45 degree angles, this is only a 90 degree
> phase shift.

And according to what I just said, this makes sense, then... but the
scalar stress created won't nearly be as great as with a caduceus coil.

> Along this line, I've read a comment that we live in a 3 dimensional
> universe, so 1 dimension is electric, 1 dimension is magnetic, 1
> dimension is time/gravity.

Sounds more like somebody's playing with your head, Jerry. :) The universe
is holographic (this is my belief - at least for now). I say this only
because our three-dimensional reality has to result from some definite
process, and holography provides some kind of explanation of what
dimension *IS*. It's comfortable enough for me, anyway.


Sounds great - so when are you going to build one? :) I don't know about
you, but I don't have the time nor the money to undertake such a
project... please tell me you or *SOMEBODY* does.

> Bogus/fantasy website for sale..<g>..

See also :)