Re: Floyd Sweet & VTA page

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 13:06:53 -0800

Hi Folks & Ken!

I visited Alan's page to see if he's made any improvements, it has
changed slightly since I was last there but still with the original I posted Alan the following;

Hi Alan!

On looking at your page again, I would almost swear you had schematics or
component layout diagrams for the magnetizer and magnets. I think that
would be a great addition to your page if you could draw them up and add

Specifically; 1) circuit diagram & component list for the magnetizer
2) coil construction details (windings, wire size, shape
of coil and how placed near magnet being affected)
3) block diagram of how the circuit is attached to the
coils and where the magnet is placed when being zapped

As I recall, Donnie told me the magnet required a two step process, one
involving a high voltage stimulation between two metal plates carrying
about 20kv (ac or dc). He said this would cause the barium to 'ring' or
remain excited for up to 10 minutes or so.....while it was stimulated,
you had to put the magnet inside the coil that would impart the shock
frequency of 60hz or whatever is desired. Donnie said and Walter
confirmed that he'd found the best point of the 60 cycle AC wave was
about 250 or 260 degrees....he showed me this in a drawing and it was
slightly before 270 degrees (the max negative side of the wave).

So, do you see what I am getting at? If this was made more clear, I
think it would further inspire experiments with Sweets's your
site and fully your option, so just posting some ideas...I think you've
done a great job so far and no doubt are keeping the Sweet ideas alive.
Jerry W. Decker / / "From an Art to a Science"
Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187