O/U Generator diagram?

Robert Halsey ( (no email) )
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 00:07:03 -0500

Hi folks !

I am also tied into the Newman-List. Pretty boring
most of the time, but one fellow has been trying to
get their attention lately, Butch Lafonte. They've
been ignoring his requests to review a device he's
working on. I guess if Newman doesn't build it, then
they ignore it?

I have sent a private E-mail to him and suggested that he might
want to join this List for much more lively review of his
ideas. If he does show up, lets give him a good welcome, because
here is someone who is actually working with a possible O/U device.
At least he's trying!

Anyway to quote his most recent post:
>Hi all,
Take a look on my web site at my new design. I'm typing operational
description and it should be on site in 2 hours. The drawing is there now.
Look how the coil goes all the way around the stator and any current
by the rotor is distributed around the stator in an even fashion. No drag
repulsion force is local to the rotor. I like to think this is getting
darn close, if not already there!
Comments after description, please.
<A HREF="http://members.aol.com/HLafonte/LaFonteGenerator4.html">LaFonte
Generator Home Page</A>

An earlier post of his gave a little more information:

The attached drawing shows a bifilar coil with a permanent magnet that has
just moved into alignment with the coils N and S poles. The poles of the
have both N and S poles at both ends due to the nature of bifilar coils,
<A HREF="http://members.aol.com/overunity4/html/bifvsbuk.htm">JLN Labs -
TEP Project - Bifilar VS Buck...</A> . These coils are simply, two seperate
circuits (wires) put side by side and wound on a spool in the same fashion
would wire a conventional coil, air core or otherwise. The current flows in
opposite directions to each other in the two circuits. This cancels out any
self induction of the coil and no back EMF is produced by the coil. The
acts as straight wire to a certain degree.
Now if you move a permanent magnet into alignment with the coil as in
drawing, ONLY one of the flux fields will show an increased in strength.
one that is flowing in the same direction as the permanent magnet. Now if
increase the current flow in the other circuit at the same time so that the
magnetic fields stay the same strength, then you have created a path of
resistance for the flux of the permanent magnet and you have done it
any back EMF being produced in the coil. When the coil is switched off,
circuits open, you have the magnet's flux passing thru only air and copper.
This path now has a high resistance to flux passage.
The problem with magnetic "on /off " switches in the past has been, the
you switch them for a given force they must provide, the more energy they
require. With this bifilar switch, the faster the switching, the less
required due to the absence of back EMF in the bifilar coil.
So if you have a rotor/stator (dc generator) that has its drag forces
out buy a balance system, see <A
overunity site update page</A> The Werjefelt papers October 21, 1997, then
can turn this balance system on and off in a fashion that uses less energy
than the stator coil produces as the RPM increases. The switch could also
used in the "Big Y" design of mine, see
<A HREF="http://members.aol.com/HLafonte/LaFonteGenerator4.html">LaFonte
Generator Home Page</A> . The controller would have to be very accurate in
controlling the current to keep the fields equal, but I believe it can be
done. The current, if part of a super conducting tank circuit, would cycle
over and over again doing the same work each cycle for the switch. I will
more test and also update my web site. If this switch works, consider it
public domain, all I ask is that it be called by my name (LaFonte). Any
comments, good or bad, please!