[Fwd: Re: Pat 5,590,031.. ZPE to Electrical Energy]

Dave ( gravman@netinc.ca )
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 20:26:51 +0500

Ken Carrigan wrote:
> Paul,
> I trashed the {patient} after I reviewed it, but did not read the

> credentials of the inventor. I would be shocked if a Phd wrote wrote

> this {patient} cause of the lack of detail and the 'way out' nature of

>... I would recommend that people look at this {patient} and assess it
> themselves, but sure sounds 'too far out'.
> v/r Ken Carrigan

Hey Ken!

In the above stuff, I marked in curly brackets
where you mentioned {patient}.


YOU didn't happen to mean "PATENT"...Did You? :-}