Re: PoP

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 00:57:20 -0800

Hi Hex!

You wrote;
> I'm just hoping we can all show some respect and restraint - don't be
> quick to judge someone too harshly (or too seriously). Everything with
> a grain of salt - and like that.

No judging here, it will be by the record of the claimant and let people
decide for themselves.

If the claimant has been at it for a few years, asking for money or
selling info on their claim, but STILL no proof, then people should know
about the lack of follow through and can decide for themselves if they
want to waste their time and money.

I have no sympathy for those who continue to sucker in people with
claims. Quite simple, put up or shut up...the record will speak for

For instance, I know people who have bought George Wisemans plans and
built working devices, as claimed in his plans.

I know people who have bought Jon Snell/George Moonghies book on high
voltage experiments and they worked as detailed in the book.

Joe Parr made private claims that Dan Davidson reproduced, these are in
the Shape Power book, though I've not heard of anyone who has lifted a
finger to duplicate them YET.

The Levitron top works as claimed and is available off the shelf.

I realize none of these are Free Energy.......I'd dearly love to list a
source where anyone could buy a working free energy device, but nothing
that I know of works to a degree that the inventor can or will sell it
for fear of legal action for fraud or misrepresentation.

People don't generally know that a small group of people were considering
filing a class action lawsuit for FRAUD against the International Tesla
Society and Perrault for his claims of a working device if you bought the
cold fission plans for about $40 from ITS. That was quenched on advice
from peers who did not want to see this cloud of legality which would
further inhibit the release of anything regarding free energy.

So, as many repetitions as it takes, if someone makes a claim that
involves hardware, they'd better be prepared to prove it. The world
needs F/E technology and we are pissing our lives away chasing false
claims, when is enough, enough? I choose to draw a line in the sand.
Jerry W. Decker / / "From an Art to a Science"
Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187