Some info

Dr Jones ( )
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 17:32:24 +1300

My opinion is that there are too many ideas/theories/alleged devices out
there and we are flitting too fast from one to the other. The result is that
we have a half baked idea on one concept before someone suggests another and
we all rush to see the new kid. And that results in running around in circles.

Secondly, (and having said all that) Dave Cowlishaw has an overunity
experiment running. He has temporarily suspended it for political reasons.
However, its worth a look, especially as JLN Labs has replicated it. Get to
it from

I have a suspicion (totally unfounded) that its operation may resemble that
of the Bessler wheel.

Thirdly, for those with a more mathematical bent, I resubmit patent 5590031
for your consideration. It was granted Dec 1996, and if the first paragraph
doesn't get yer hormones racing, nothing will. It might be worth contacting
the inventors as well. Its right on topic.