Re: Wesley Gary

Bill McMurtry ( )
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 13:45:15 +1000

At 16:29 11/02/98 GMT, you wrote:
>On Wed, 11 Feb 1998 06:50:01 -0500, you wrote:
>Big Snip<
>Hi, what's your opinion about Professor Searl's premise that magnetic
>fields (from stationary magnets, if anything is stationary... ) ARE
>dynamic? Maybe I misunderstand, but that's what I thought he was
>saying, and was a fundamental principle in his inventions, which, of
>course, I have never seen.
> Jay Carlson

Hi Jay,

I do not think much of Searle's (Professor of what?) ideas. Try to find any
phisical evidence to back up his claims - you'de be lucky. My only
conversation with Searle yeilded absolutely no technical support for his
claims, and he always hedged direct questions of a technical nature. Sorry,
but sometimes a good yarn just is'nt enough. (What do you call someone who
takes another persons money and time, makes grand statements of 'truth and
fact', promises the world, yet NEVER DELIVERS, leaving this earth poorer
for the experience?)

Bill :(

P.S. Hey Jerry, here's one for your PoP list - if ye dare!