Re: Slow Storage/Fast drain

Mathias P. ( (no email) )
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 17:05:35 -0800


> Tell me a little about your 12vdc operation for higher power things like
> heat pump, refrig, washer/dryer, hot water, hair dryer?, etc... I'm
> surprised
> you can find some of these things to operate at 12 volts. Why do you
> use 12 volts instead of utilities?
> v/r Ken Carrigan

The reason was a combination of high cost to bring the grid up here, my
sensitivity to some EMF, and the 3rd reason is described below.
System consists solar panels, lead acid batteries. Heat pump,
wher/dryer, we do not have. Hot water/cooking/heating/refreg. via
propane/wood stove. A 2.5KW inverter takes care of sporadic 110/220 AC
Sacrifices. 3rd reason: I use the relative inconfort as a push to get my
act together and figure out ways to seal our power independency (solar
panels, batteries, inverter wind mill are an ok beginning but expensive
and liable for breakdowns and have relatively short life). I use to look
for a full FE system (fool), never found anything practical; nowadays
I'd be happy to have a trickle charge system FE or not. Sacrifice
Hope that answers your question