Re: Slow Storage/Fast Drain

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 13:56:13 -0500


>Yes, I know inverters are ridiculously expensive....however, there is a
>guy out in Missouri who is running a 2 story house and he spent a total
>of about $15K for his system....

I once thought of getting a 10kW generator (the ones trucks use for power
at construction sites) to power my house without 100% loading. The
generator was around $100/KW so $1000. Then I'd have to fuel this
thing... OK so I can accept the $1000 out of pocket as I can finance it
over years of wear and tear. Now the fuel... The generator states on it
what the fuel comsumption is... but I've forgotten.. Let's say it is 5 gal
for 8 hours for 5kW/hr or total of 40KWhr. That would be about $1.00
for each KW! I'm paying $.04 per KW of power! So, immediately I
dropped this notion because even if I could get the generator more
effecient (like 1000% more) it still is cheaper to use the electric power

So now let's say we have batteries to charge to get the same output.
We still will need 40KWhr of power to charge up the batteries and that
will take the $1.00/KW to charge them...

v/r Ken Carrigan