
Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 00:21:43 -0800

Hi Hex!

This thread was 'Egyptian Technolgy' which I renamed to 'Scalars'.

You wrote;
> longitudinal waves and Bearden's scalars before I go absolutely
> insane?!

I'm glad you didn't say 'scalar waves' because scalar literally means
'without vector' IMHO it's basically a bubble floating in space but
in the form of a 'stress' or depression in the space fabric.

As I understand a scalar, as one single wave, you can throw it in any
given direation in the form of a single bubble (a soliton) like ball
lightning but without the high voltage potential.

You can throw many of them in a given direction to strike a target, then
it would be closer to the term 'scalar wave'.

You can manifest a 'scalar' stress wave by conjugating two or more
frequencies at a single target....conjugation just means interferring at
any phase angle...though in a true scalar, I understand that to be a true
180 degrees.

A scalar stress bubble can be produced using any form of wave energy and
in any medium since space permeates every medium. That means any
frequency when conjugated with itself will produce a scalar, the primary
medium is space but the effects of the scalar might produce effects in
the mass or medium surrounding it.

A scalar, once created as a stress wave using sound, magnetism,
electricity, electromagnetism, light, etc. (any form of wave energy) can
be 'translated' from the space stress wave form to any other form of
waves, partially dependent on the medium, i.e. air, space, water, earth.

I once saw an excellent description of transverse waves as opposed to
longitudinal waves.....don't recall the details, but I think it was
transverse waves go up and down like ripples in water, longitudinal waves
move sideways like a snake crawling along.

And that's my understanding of scalars, which I don't know for a fact is
true...hard to tell without hardware to measure and test the many claims.

Bifilar wires, DNA, cadueus coils, Hooper coils, Smith coils, the moebius
and Klein bottles all are believed to produce scalars. I think Hooper
and Smith have the best proofs to date...

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187