Re: Sternheimer (pt 2)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 07 Feb 1998 13:14:09 -0800

Hi Jean-Pierre!

In reading your email stress that the results vary with
different people....that makes sense to me...IMHO, each person has a
slightly different physiology, including acid/alkali balance and other
factors. These taken on the whole, indicate there needs to be a means
developed to let you know when your body is having a negative reaction.

One way that I am familiar with is kinesiology, known as muscle testing.
The theory is that the electrical 'tone' of the muscles will decrease
when the body is in the presence of harmful substances (which I think
emit frequencies that destructively interfere with the organism) and
increase when in the presence of beneficial substances.

Perhaps Joel could use that as a means to let the body tell you whether
something was good for you or not. My personal theory on this phenomenon
is that the whole thing revolves around crenation. Crenation is a kind
of wrinkling of the blood cells which naturally occurs when the cell is
dying. It is like an accelerated wrinkling of a grape from drying out,
except in this case, the tissue contracts in the presence of noxious
frequencies. In a manner of speaking, it dies faster..

Davis/Rawls developed a method of diagnostics taking advantage of this
contraction. They find that a magnet with a certain polarity (I believe
it was NORTH pole energy) when passed over the body would cause a
contraction when it came into the presence of damaged or dysfunctional lie on a platform that is scribed like a ruler so you can
see any the magnet is slowly passed over your body, a
leg or arm will pull in by as much as 1/2" or so when the magnetic field
influences the damaged tissue.

Such a kinesiologic technique might be a quick and dirty way to test how
the body reacted to various melodies. I've long thought it would be neat
to develop a wristband, like a watch, but with LED indicators, that would
use this principle to show when the wearer was in the presence of noxious
frequencies...the source is irrelevant, all that matters is your body is
wanting to get away from it...someday, it will be a great and useful

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187