Telluric Currents

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 07 Feb 1998 11:57:25 -0800

Hi Folks!

A friend from Europe came across an old notebook by a fellow named ROTA,
it apparently involved highly novel research into what into the
alchemical term of 'telluric currents'...these are earth currents that
are claimed to be able to precipitate under the right conditions into
various elements, notably dumping into sites we find as mines....the
legends say old Europena families, notably German, would deplete a gold
mine, then seal it up for 100 years....when they opened it back up the
gold would be restored because of the telluric current precipitation.
E=MC^ doesn't mean this precipitation has to happen instantly, with
nature it could well take many, many is part of the post;
Rota discovered that the earth harboured currents. Towards the end of his
life, he discovered some 191 different currents. He also stated that
metals were formed by these currents. Copper for instance was a mixture
of four different currents. Rota buried huge (as he called them) `blocs'
in the earth, consisting of amalgams of different metals, sometimes even
a hundred different metals or so. With these, he claimed to be able to
use these earth currents for the production of energies!

Now the person who told me all this, once even actually dug out such a
bloc from a depth of six metres. He also told me that Rota's son was
still living somewehere with all of Rota's machines still in existence!
He didn't tell me what was in the note book though (I didn't ask). I
remember stumbling across Rota in a 1972 pamphlet by Egerton Sykes on
Keely. Very short reference there: `L.G.V. Rota. An Italian scientist
living at Valence, France, before 1939. Had a system of magnetic
currents induced by joining plates of various metals and materials
together, some of which are still in existence.'
Ties in well with Nathan Stubblefield and other claims of earth currents
and earth batteries that could be tapped for energy in the form of
electricity and an old book called 'Dweller on Two Planets',
there is a quote stating; 'light can be made to yield sound' indicating
use of natural materials, probably in combination and possibly stimulated
by sound or other forces, in such a way as to interfere to cause a
cascading in the aether spectrum in the file;
the Egyptian tuning fork email is posted at;

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187