Re: Archie H. Blue

Dr Jones ( )
Sat, 7 Feb 1998 21:04:29 +1300

At 17:32 7/02/98 +1000, you wrote:
>At 16:02 7/02/98 +1300, you wrote:
>>At 11:22 7/02/98 +1000, you wrote:
>>>Hi all,
>>>Marc Olhoeft posted an address for info regarding Archie Blue and his water
>>>electrolysis carby unit.
>>>Interesting document refering to this mans work and subsequent patent No.
>>>4124463. Does anyone have any further info on this guy?
>>Yeah. Christchurch, NZ, man, died about 1991. Relations threw all his stuff
>>onto the dump without realising its importance. Created stir around 1975
>>when he announced he & his mates drove a mini arouind Jersey Island @ 35km
>>per litre. Allegedly offered $500 million by Arabs to buy and shelve his
>>invention, he refused.
>>Jersey is also a heavy tax haven, big money floating around there. My
>>intuition is that his partners were threatened as well.
>>Dr Jones
>Hi Dr.Jones,
>Oh God, not again! Man, N.Z., Outrageous claims, evidence lost/distroyed,
>Big offers, Noble refusals, threats, conspiracies, Arabs, etc, etc.
>I suppose all this could be true... What about the device?

Hey, when Dr Jones makes claims be assured that the history is well researched.


Take a look at the Weekend Star (25c Edition of the Christchurch Star) dated
April 29, 1978. Front page with a picture of Archie holding the device which
is attached to the mini. More on page 3.

There was a second article, it appears, in the Sunday Times, MAy 14 1978,
although the cutting doesn't specify which region it originated from.

Dr Jones

(Trust me, I know what Im doing)