Re: Letz Rock

Bill McMurtry ( )
Fri, 06 Feb 1998 19:21:18 +1000

At 19:51 5/02/98 -0800, you wrote:
>On Thu, 5 Feb 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:
>> Hey Bill and Dr. Jones!
>> This could be fun, we could expand it to a HUGE party to CELEBRATE the
>> success of the FIRST WORKING overunity device that anyone can
>> build...just 1 flippin watt....where do we meet? Texas, Australia,
>> California?????
>> --
>The party shall be held in the state of the inventor who builds the
>working overunity device, of course. That seems appropriate somehow.

Come on man. Why break with tradition. The party should be held at the
furthest most part of the world AWAY from the inventor, thereby causing the
most grief and inconvenience to him/she/it.

Bill :)