Re: First time on - hopefully not the last!

Bill McMurtry ( )
Thu, 05 Feb 1998 16:48:01 +1000

At 17:47 5/02/98 +1300, you wrote:
>>Hi Mathias,
>>There is NOTHING more exciting than witnessing a "working" free energy
>>device. For me this happened when I was working with Robert Adams on his
>>motor/generator unit.
>I thought that Adams may have been onto something, but apparently JLN labs
>replicated one and found it was only 20% efficient or something like that.
>I viewed it at the JLN labs website.
>Dr Jones
>(or am I reading the readouts incorrectly?)

Hi Dr. Jones,

Adams was onto something but it was not overunity. Literally dozens of
experimenters contacted me during my period with Adams.

The cleaver ones discovered and accepted Adam's mistake with input power
calculation ie: if, say, .5 duty cycle input then DO NOT calculate input
power as (.5*V)*(.5*I)=input power - where I is the AVERAGE current in the

The not so cleaver fell into 2 catagories: 1) those that achieved
"overunity", and, 2) those that felt that they were at fault with there
construction and/or thinking and that continued effort would arrive them at
Adams secret.

For too long I fell into the "not so cleaver" catagory 2, I'm afraid to
say. The Adams motor I took to the '94 symposium in Denver was tested quite
thoroughly under my direction of correct tuning (as "taught" me by Adams)
returning an efficiecy reading of just slightly higher than my own of 46%.

I still recommend an Adams style motor to anyone wishing to construct and
understand conventional motor principles.
