Re: How I came up with the frequencies +PAPIMI

Bradley Scott ( )
Thu, 05 Feb 1998 10:40:53 +1100

At 06:10 PM 04-02-98 -0500, you wrote:
>>download an electronic version of the book from Tara publishing
>I tried that, and even though the link clearly says it's a free preview, the
>PDF viewer asks for a password. This happens when I try to view it online.
>I haven't had time to try downloading it and feeding it to the PDF viewer
>Hey you, don't help them to bury the light.
> --Pink Floyd

I haven't tried it that way. I have the PDF viewer on my computer and
haven't had any problems viewing the free preview. I just checked it and
it's OK, but there is nothing terribly useful in the preview. The book is
certainly worth the asking price, so I'd folk out the 9 bucks to get the
whole book. The PDF viewer is free.



Bradley Scott
Saltbush Software
Agricultural Business Research Institute
University of New England, NSW
Australia, 2350.

Ph: +61 2 6773 3555