Re: How I came up with the frequencies +PAPIMI

Bradley Scott ( )
Thu, 05 Feb 1998 08:50:18 +1100

At 11:21 PM 03-02-98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hello Matthew:
>Interesting though you lost me. The unconventionality do not disturb me
>(dowsing is hardly a scientific subject) but what are the units of the
>grid numbers for example?
>As far as I know 1"=2.54cm 1'=0.3048m
>Someone had asked about the PAPIMI device. Dr Pappas, the inventor just
>put his own page on the web (in the making); and I
>remembered seing a file somewhere on Keelynet.

Hi there,

You really would have to read Bruce Cathie's books on the harmonic conquest
of the universe. I strongly recommend reading it. I lent my book to
someone and I can't give you the correct measurements. Actually, you can
download an electronic version of the book from Tara publishing



Bradley Scott
Saltbush Software
Agricultural Business Research Institute
University of New England, NSW
Australia, 2350.

Ph: +61 2 6773 3555