Re: Rife tests/Hulda Clarke

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Wed, 4 Feb 1998 07:31:21 -0500

You last statement is correct as to my assumptions and research, however,
there is something to frequency therapy. First I think we can assume that
all have auras/shockras just by the fact that too many people report on it,
research by government and private facilties, and even institutions built to
educate in this area. Electrograph frequency measures and analysis have
also been done to indicate that our bodies do emit a 'signature' and can
be correlated to health of our cells.

My point is that our bodies are tuned instuments that require certain
to survive. Be it sunlight (micrometers to nanameters) or our earths
frequencies (10-100Hz) - our bodies cells and functioning requires these
fields. There is so much literature out there to support this.

Now for us to just blast 'calculated' frequencies into our bodies, this
over time, through cellular resonances off frequency, sufficate them by
saturation of undesireable frequencies, or evoke undesirable growth of
off resonate cells. One example of this would be my mother-in-law. Years
ago she was in a car accident and severly brused her abdomen. Her
abdomen took way to long to heal (Check Dr Beckers book about this)
and thus never really healed. (When we get injured, the injured cells evoke
a positive potential, and after a little while (hours..) the potential
very negative. The negative potential for the blastema and after this
the blastema then dedifferentiates into normal cells. Once the negative
potential slowly returns to normal, the growth slows to a stop.) This site
of brusing never regained it correct resonate frequency since it still was
damaged. Over time, this site become the breeding ground for tumor growth.

I think magnetic fields of long duration are not too healthy for us - like
power lines, cell phones (in use for long periods), radar guns where they
used for long periods, electric blankets for sure.... etc.

RIfe technology tries to hit a evanescent resonate mode for cells to
them and eviserate them. PAPIMI device tries to correct the imbalance
by shocking the cells into correct resonance where nanosecond pulses
are produced (sort of like the EMP testing waveform) in very low average
power density (long Pulse Repetitious Rate - PRR). Notice on his web site
the small coil loops. This is held close to the affected site and a 10 to
minute exposure is given. He has some amazing results.

I believe the key to affecting our cells is the H-Fields not E-Fields and
irradiating our bodies with a broadbanded low amplitude spectrum
once and awhile may just be beneficial.

v/r Ken Carriagn

>Would like to hear more on this "PAPIM" device. I've not come across it in
>my travels, sounds a bit like the Multiple Wave Oscillator approach of
>If I am correct in reading you, you do not recommend electrotherepy for
>tumour growths, is that correct?