Re: First time on - hopefully not the last!

Bill McMurtry ( )
Wed, 04 Feb 1998 17:57:43 +1000

At 23:04 3/02/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Bill McMurtry wrote:
>Bill McMurtry wrote:
>> Hi M.P.
>> you mention that you think "working devices that we call free energy..."
>> which ones are these? I've never seen a "working" free energy device and
>> I've never met anyone who has (a real one anyway). Now I'me certainly not
>> saying that I never will see such a device - hense my interest in the
>> subject. BUT, free energy and overunity are at present a THEORETICAL
>> POSSIBILITY, not an actuality. The "one watt challenge", as put forward by
>> Hal Puthoff, still stands.
>> Please don't get me wrong, I'me not bagging you or anyone else exploring
>> this field (unless they are trying to con), but sometimes I wonder if maybe
>> the hype is being believed by the very people who need to remain objective.
>> Bill.
>Hello Bill:
>If I'd tell you that I have witness overunity/free energy devices, you
>would still say that these are theoretical and you still would not know
>anybody who has seen one. No?
>Also I lost a bunch of emails so I do not know about Hal Putoff's 1W
Hi Mathias,

There is NOTHING more exciting than witnessing a "working" free energy
device. For me this happened when I was working with Robert Adams on his
motor/generator unit.

There is nothing more depressing than discovering that what you thought was
a "working" free energy device was in fact a measurment glitch, incorrect
theory, Radium Chloride, etc, etc.

I respect your opinion enough to offer no arguement against what you
believe you were witness to. Maybe what you saw was indeed a real working
free energy devise. I want to believe this is so. Show me.
