Re: Rife tests

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Tue, 3 Feb 1998 06:55:49 -0500

Jer et all,

I have built two units and tested the Rife machine for over 2 years,
this because of my interests and also mother-in-law having cancer
stage IV. I also took DC potential measurements (potential on skin)
as cancer seems to be extremely negative. It turned out that it was
extremely negative (75mV as I recall) and I had a 'clark' type machine
to output cancer frequencies in a biphasic state - slightly positive.
After 20 minutes of this I rechecked her again and the potential was
normal, +10mV DC.

Anyway, I went through a whole regeme of Rife experiments with her,
every 3rd day, lasting 1 hour each and going through cancer frequencies.
Before all this testing, I ordered some protozia and fired up the lab
microscope to see if I could eviserate the protozia. In short I never
did get the protozia to eviserate and believe me I tested and retested
as never before. I was on the email list with Jim Bare and spoke to
him on the phone. I even measured the spectral emissions of his unit
which he sent me and my unit which I had modified. I finally sent my
unit to him for his testing. He tested it and did not get any results also.
So, he sent me his unit which did work. I still got no results.

I then sent him my microscope (brightfield) and he used this with his
Rife machine but did not get results. So - the microscope was a
KEY factor for protozia evisceration. Maybe this is also how Rife
eviscerated his organisms under his coherant microscope. Anyway
Jim Bare rigged up a 50W halogen light source and then my microscope
seems to work for him. When I got it back, I tried to eviscerate protozia
again, but still nothing. So I though that maybe the halogen bulb was
getting modulated by the H-field coupling to the power lines (hey 200W
with high H-Fields at HF couples REAL nice to meter length lines.

So I rigged up a MOSFET to a DDS unit with power supply and halogen
bulb. I put this under the microscope and started the scanning. Did you
know that I eviscerated the protozia in less than 2 seconds at a key
kHz frequency? The Blepharisma excellerated in speed, balled up and
eviscerated in less than 5 seconds. Now this was without the Plasma

I was majorly involved with the theory, design and experimentation of
Jim Bares Rife machine, but after my mother-in-law died, I had to leave
the list and the Rife testing. It has been 9 months since. Some people
swear by this machine, but I could find no evidance that the Plasma
tube affected anything. I tried all kinds of modifications from a modulator
for the CB to pass 1Hz to 1MHz modulation to custom quasi TEM cell
to light the plasma tube and match it's impedance. Incidentually the
plasma tube which we used on the 'list' was 10% argon and 90% neon.

I am presently under contract to build a 500W unit for a Dr who wants
to test this in VietNam. This unit will contain an autotuner, 1-30MHz
CW source (1Hz resolution), 1 to 1MHz modulation in any type pulse
rate, and two Plasma Tubes. However, I can not say that this Rife
machine works at all, from my testing.

One think that alway throws me for a loop is the 'feel' of the wave. How
does one measure this scientifically?? This is the only results people
seem to have is the 'I feel the wave'. I'd love for a auro reader to 'see'
if these people are really affected by this wave.

If anyone is really interested then there is a Rife List that is mentioned
on Jim Bare's web site. Beware that it is really 'alternative' and gets
into all types of healing stuff.

v/r Ken Carrigan