Re: Test: Is the list working? or is everyone just very quiet

Dr Jones ( )
Tue, 3 Feb 1998 18:40:42 +1300

At 20:24 2/02/98 -0800, you wrote:
>On Tue, 3 Feb 1998, John Berry wrote:
>> Test: Is the list working? or is everyone just very quiet lately??
>Yes - it's working, the list is just REALLY quiet. In fact ... it seemed
>to quiet down significantly after the initial brouhaha over the economics
>thread, and the initial opening of the list. On the other hand - maybe
>it's just a slow month for everybody. :)

I think we should bring Perrault back. Maybe he's blunt and sometimes he
does jump to conclusions too quickly, but at least acknowledges when he is
wrong and fixes it up.

He's also great for busy lists.

I'm still waiting for some more ideas for the psych experiment - suggestions
anybody? I'm especially looking for some from Jerry.


Dr Jones