Re: Pyramidal effects

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Mon, 2 Feb 1998 08:56:53 -0500

Dan et all,

My computer had a catastrohic failure and lost all the emails - the
registry could not repaired... so I'm using the 'work' computer for
now while home pc is being repaired.

Dan, can you post, maybe on Keelynet, a 'simple' experiment that
we can build/replicate to show how a pyramid can be built and tested
for weight reduction, noting all the special obsticles we must aviod
or pay special attention to - in order to achieve some good results?

I lost a post dealing with pulsed magnetic fields in a pyramid to
achieve weight reduction... could you email me that post again?
@ Thanks,

v/r Ken Carrigan

PS I also lost the reply's to the F_a - F_b not eqauling zero posts.
Could I get that reply also?