Re: Inertial drive maths

Vano ( )
Sat, 31 Jan 1998 04:51:10 +0100

Marcelo Puhl wrote:

> > All comments / corrections / correlations and confirmations
> > welcome specially physical confirmations !!!
> >
> My weird idea :
> 1. Make a-b a simple rotational ferromagnetic rod.
> 2. Use a coil to make an eletromagnet outside this rod.
> 3. Use the eletromagnet to control the rod's position when spinning.
> 4. Put another eletromagnet c-d at 90 degrees of a-b.
> 5. Put two more eletromagnets e-f and g-h at 45 degrees too.
> This way we have four rods spinning ( a la Oryfreus ? ).
> By applying some DC current to the coils, we can control the position of each
> rod, imbalancing the mass to some direction.
> The difficult part will be to build such a device ...

Fantastic idea indeed, I did think of using magnets at some points, but not to
the extent as you mention.

But I think the guys at have already built one, though they
dont give any details !

Anybody got a workshop to make the magnetic design ???