Re: Inertial Drives

Dan A. Davidson ( (no email) )
Fri, 30 Jan 1998 18:26:44 -0700

Thanks Jerry,
I totally shut off when people accuse me of scamming. I have no time for
them. If they don't have enough inner guidance to pull them into this by
intuition then they will never get there from here.

I studied Joe Parr's stuff for 3 years before I agreed to duplicate the
gravity wheel expt for him. All the conditions have to be met to get the
effects. That is why I wrote the book - to get the ideas out. It is non
trivial! If it was easy, we would all have free energy and anti-gravity by

I find it interesting that people would rather gin up some hairbrained idea
of how they think and experiment works, they try it and it doesn't work so
they blame the inventor instead of getting all the facts and following
exactly. Bedini talked about this at length. That is why he has such
success in duplicating esoteric devices. That is why I get results.

Here's the heuristics:
1. Get ALL the facts to ascertain whether there could be anything there.
2. Get ALL the facts - check the credibility of the inventor and his ideas.
Just remember, he just might be right.
3. Duplicate the experiment exactly.
4. If it works, then build another model and play with the second model to
understand the effects to improve the results. Don't ever do anything to
something that works. I made that fatal mistake once and spent five year,
all to no avail, to get back to where I had been.
5. If it doesn't work start at 1. again.
6. If after several trys it still doesn't work then examine everything in
excruciating detail. Check w/ the inventor if possible. My gravity wheel
expt wasn't putting out like Joe's expt so he had me send it to him and he
discovered I had not followed the instructions to use a specific type of
magnet. Instead I had put a more powerful set of magnets into the
experiment and the higher field was drowing out the anti-gravity effects to
a large extent. When I rebuilt the gravity wheel with the correct magnets I
started immediately to get the same results as Joe was getting a 1000 miles

At 06:40 AM 1/30/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Ken!
>You should read the paper;
>It gives details of the centrifuge....I think there is enough information
>in there to do the experiment yourself. No wires, no electricity.
>Even Joe Parr's original experiment with the pyramids mounted on the
>rotating arm is described.
>Dan is here on the list so he will respond, but I stay up later....<g>..
> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-8741
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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