Re: Translator

Hexslinger ( )
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 16:35:36 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 28 Jan 1998, Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> The document is mostly in German but as I understand it the theory states
> that gravity, magnetism, electricity and INERTIA are all interchangeable.

Which is what I said in our prior conversations -- 'cept that you forgot
to mention time is also a part of that equation. Time, inertia, and
gravity are all resultant aspects of electromagnetic fields.

> I plan to type in the UFT document and have it converted, then post it,
> probably have to make up a .gif page containing the formulas. This
> translation page is so neat, give it a shot.

I'd be careful with it -- as I explained earlier, babelfish has a nasty
habit of only PARTIALLY translating a document - leaving the rest
untranslated. Also, it doesn't have a COMPLETE dictionary of some of the
huge nouns that seem so common in german - so don't be suprised if it
comes out totally stuffed when you run it through. :)