Re: If you didn't see it is

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 00:22:06 -0800

Hi Stephen et al!

You must be psychic...I saw the same ad on
and captured it to check out later....Have you tried to call him yet?? I
guess I should...interesting claim....

A few years ago, some friends and I went to a Global Sciences Congress in
Denver. They had one day that was mostly New Age and UFO
bimbette there claimed she could 'call down a mother ship' if a group of
people could be gotten together....well, of course, we snickered about
it, then while discussing what we should do that evening, we thought,
what the hell, we should check it out....if we DIDN'T go, with our luck,
a mother ship would come down and give guided tours so we'd miss it.

So we went, of course nothing happened, it was fun and totally nuts.
That is the case with claims of this kind...we just CAN'T NOT check it
out, just in case it is THE is the advertisement....
How would you like to have free energy? Energy free from pollution?
Energy not requiring fuel, fossil or radioactive? Energy not requiring
solar nor wind sources? A machine completely self-contained and
producing more work than it uses?

What it is, is a chamber where within the force of gravity is
deflected. Once charged, the chamber maintains this condition with
modest amounts of electricity derived from the movement of masses within
in relation to their movement outside the chamber. In the case where
the force of gravity is redirected 180 degrees, optimum work is
produced. However, to deflect the force this much requires vast amounts
of energy in order to twist the field sufficiently. In the case of
photons, which can do the job, the photons supplied by an ordinary
flashlight, about ten to the eighteen per second would take hundreds of
thousands of years.

I will send you basic plans free of charge, with essential theory, to
build such a chamber utilizing sunlight as the charging source of
photons. I'm not sure how long it might take to charge this chamber,
only two centimeters in diameter, but I guess that some deflection
variation might be noted in about one year.

I ask nothing in return, knowing that if you succeed, you will no doubt
need special instruction.

Joel Webb - I will answer all e-mail. If my header e-mail address
doesn't work, try this:, or try .com. I can't seem
to get an answer from my server as to which is correct..

Or, mail me at SDK, PO Box 25942, Los Angeles, CA 90025. Or you can
call me at (310) 829-0767.

--                Jerry W. Decker   /    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187