Re: Earth Resonance

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 27 Jan 1998 13:26:36 -0800

Hi Bob!

You were asking how they actually detect the Schumann resonance....good
question as any medium can be vibrated at essentially any frequency...I
think I read in the search I did for Schumann resonances that they were
picking up electrical dischages....there was even a picture of the
detector and it was is very hard to sense low frequency
below about 15hz...

I know the Teslar watches that the ELF group used to sell, based on
Andrija Puharich's design, used an oscillator inside a Faraday cage.
Supposedly the motional/scalar component is the only thing that can
penetrate this Faraday cage...the oscillator was tuned to 7.8 cps.

At a conference many years ago, I had bought one of these (when they were
the fad) and Ed Skilling was there with Bob Beck....I had several
pleasant chats with both of them...Ed had a booth with a table and was
selling various ELF type generators....

What was so cool about Ed and Bob, if they sold it, they could by god
prove to you that it worked.....Ed had a plate that was mounted in a box,
you could put anything on that plate and get a readout if it was truly
putting out a signal....he had an LED digital display.

So, I put my Teslar watch on the plate and within about 15 seconds or
less, the display scanned and located 7.8 cps....I was impressed....

Knowing how difficult it is to read these, Ed just grinned and said bet
you wonder how I did that? I said, well, hadn't thought of it before,
but if I were going to measure it, I would use a zero crossing detector,
over a 10 second sweep, then muliply it up for a more solid signal, then
divide by that amount of muliplication, for the readout.

He said, damn, thats what I DID. He said he used a PLL (phase locked
loop) as the multiplier and the rest was standard electronics...but I was
impressed nonetheless....there is nothing that will get my attention
faster than someone who can clearly prove ONSIGHT that their claims are
true...I know it could have been rigged but he tested some other devices,
one was 11cps and another was a pure 8 cps....he had no idea what the
signal was, yet it locked in each time and the person verified that was
the advertised broadcast frequency..

When Puharich gave his lecture to the MUFON group and began talking about
ELF, he said there was no reliable way to measure the signal from these
TESLAR watches without peeling back the Faraday cage so you could get at
the oscillator...the reason was because this motional (pure
electric)/scalar wave could not be detected.

A fellow in the audience stood up and said he found you could put a penny
on the surface of the watch, then touch it with an oscope probes at high
gain, and the signal would be displayed. He said he thought it was some
kind of proximal induction because it would not work at any distance from
the watch...only when very close to it.

One final thing about this....Mary Hardy and others report that some
people wear these things all the time and end up getting sick or
otherwise debilitated...I know when I wore mine, you could hook up a
scope to your skin and see the signal on an oscope. Mary analogizes this
to eating only apples, you will die from malnutrition. The body needs a
plethora of frequencies and the 7.8 swamps everything use it
only when you feel you need it or are in a possibly dangerous electrical

--                Jerry W. Decker   /    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187