Re: Deja Vu

Bill McMurtry ( )
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 00:27:33 +1000

At 11:55 27/01/98 GMT, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>I just finished the book on Bessler's wheel which Jerry recommended on his
>website which describes what happend with a free energy/overunity device
>back 250 years ago, with the associated politics, academic slandering,
>justified paranioa and scheming at high places.
>Nothing seems to change. As Above, So Bellow (even in time)
>Lets not loose all of it again to human nature.
>PS: Adamsite is related the Moray F/E system and as a few people on the
>list know and who have tried playing with samples of it, it _does work_
I too have recently read John Collins book on Bessler and his wheel.
Fascinating read and somewhat thought provoking. If we assume that Bessler
was not a fraud, and there is good evidence (within the book), then Bessler
accomplished a unique feat. To be sure the concept of a permenantly
imbalanced wheel, turning forever of its "own" accord, has captured the
imagination of untold thousands of thinkers. From a Newtonion mechanics
point of view the numbers just don't add up. Newtonion approaches to
solving Besslers riddle come up empty handed. Bessler, and his esteemed
supporter Karl, stated that the device was so simple that a "carpenters
boy" could make one after studying the internal workings of the contraption
for five minutes. Bessler was paranoid that on selling his idea, the
purchaser might be reluctant to part with the agreed money because the
machine was so simple!! Yet no matter how many sneaky, devious, bizaar,
simple ways one may design a bessler-type wheel, the sought after permenant
imbalance remains elusive. If a positive result can not be found within the
standard framework of the known laws of mechanics then Bessler must have
resorted to a concept which comes from outside this set. Gravity was
probably the energy sorce for his wheel (I find it hard to grasp the
concept of perpetual motion in terms of something for nothing) But how?
Most mechanical folk will provide simple evidence showing why a mass can
not lift itself higher than its initial position of rest using levers,
gears, pullies, springs, etc. My own experience tends to confirm this
evidence. Yet Bessler appears to have conquered the problem over 250 years
ago. HOW?
