Re: antigravity experiment/Where's the Beef?

Dan A. Davidson ( (no email) )
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 22:35:25 -0700

I know we are not supposed to advertise so check out Shape Power on Jerry's
Keelyknet site. It gives the details on how to order the book.


At 04:53 PM 1/27/98 +1300, you wrote:
>Dan A. Davidson wrote:
>> I have also cracked the secret of how shape converts the aether into other
>> forces and demonstrated it in the lab. Also description of a verified
>> anti-gravity experiment that has gotten as high as 800% weight reduction. I
>> believe the book has enough clues to lead to a viable gravity craft. I
>> don't publish unless I have verifiable results.
>I'm off to buy the book right now, but can you give any more information that
>may not appear in the book? on or off list secret or what ever.
>> I am trying to elicit help in duplication of the antigrav expts so we can
>> move onto a better foundation to build a craft. Right now the data is
>> there to show its possible.
>Tell me more!
>> Onward,
>> Dan A. Davidson
>I am very interested!
>John Berry

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