Re: Bifilar ressonance ?

Dan A. Davidson ( (no email) )
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 09:39:48 -0700

Multiplication of frequency is a common phenomenon in ferrite core
With bifilars you cancell the magfield interference and push the energy as
stress into the aether or zpe.

Dan A. Davidson

At 06:02 PM 1/25/98 -3, you wrote:
>I did the following experiment, with some weird results :
>1. Got a ferrite toroid, 35 mm OD, 21 mm ID, 15 mm height.
>2. Wound a 13 turn bifilar coil, 24 AWG wire.
>3. Wound another 13 turn normal coil, 24 AWG wire.
>4. Connected the bifilar coil to an RF generator.
>5. Connected the other coil to the osciloscope.
>Results :
>- I found one frequency "F" where the output was "F x 3". Why ?
>- If I connect the generator to the non-bifilar coil, that same frequency was
> seeing at the output. So, F in = F out.
>- That frequency ( 6 MHz ) seems to be the toroid ressonant frequency.
>Ideas ?

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