Re: Please stick with Technology

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 04:51:14 -0800

Hi Alan!

I personally wouldn't KNOWLINGLY touch or USE anything that had to rely
on radioactive material to generate heat or power. BTW, you posted some
excellent questions to Bruce about nu-energy.

If it is not over-unity, then why would we ever consider it or even talk
of it here?

Overunity is one of the reasons I'm here, what the list was created for
and what I'm hoping people can comprehend as one of three basic
goals....all of which are clearly posted and which everyone is expected
to have read prior to subscribing and to comply with.

I too subscribe to freenrg-l and vortex-l and find little of use to me
there, though perhaps one in 30-50 posts has something interesting.

Thus the creation of this list, without the arguments, the infinite
crossposting from people who are not even on the list, the niggling about
micro electrochemical effects, ad nauseum.

Jerry had written;
_> the inventor will be the FINAL ARBITER
_>of how his/her device will be promoted, sold, whatever.

Alan wrote;
> Preeeeeecisely!
> Therefore, it behooves us to discuss at least some of the pitfalls
> of the various approaches on this list so that if one of us does
> happen to stumble into a viable approach we will have some idea of
> how *not* to go about marketing it.

So I am puzzled how you can recognize that the inventor will be the
arbiter of how the device will be marketed, yet you continue with the
idea that someone who'd developed such marvelous technology would give a
flip about what any of us would say.

We probably did not play a part in it financially or technology-wise
because we are too busy discussing how to market CLAIMS, rather than
figuring out a working device.

Again, if we continually argue or discuss non technology, then the device
will never be built, so the discussion is useless. Much like a time

Alan also wrote;
> BTW, are you keeping list archives somewhere?

I sure hope so...<g>...Ron at Starfire says he is working on it. I
erased some files that included some of the early posts when there were
just a handful of folks here...but I have them all saved in another
folder and will zip them up by month and post to the website if people
want to read them.

--                Jerry W. Decker   /    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187