Re: Economics of FE

Dr Jones ( )
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 16:45:42 +1300

[With all due respect to Jerry's last post]

At 19:00 25/01/98 -0800, you wrote:
>> I dunno. I'm not trying to set anybody off -- I'm just rather miffed at
>> the general attitude by folks who just want to brush off the economics
>> side of F/E altogether.
>Hear Hear! Since life IS mostly economics, I think it should be allowed
>some discussion!
>Bob Aldrich
I must agree with previous sentiments that from a pure research perspective,
economics should play no part.

But if that were the case, Moray's device, widely publicised in the 30's
should have been in widespread deployment by now. Moray lived until 1974,
and should have been well able to rebuild the device to anyone who wanted to
find out.

These devices have come and gone without catching the market. I think that
the flow of ideas on this is important. Particularly when it comes to peer
review, which is likely, in general, to be vicious, unkind and full of
vituperate. And thats enough to spook investors. Its happened in the past
and it'll happen again.

Dr Jones