Re: [OFF TOPIC] Economics of FE/Plan of attack!

John Berry ( )
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 15:24:46 +1300

Dan A. Davidson wrote:

> So, please, lets quit blathering about economics without a working device
> and get on with some real input on how to build free energy devices,
> gravity vehicles, etc.

While it is not the main subject of the list it is very important because over
a long long time people have made free energy devices and if just one of those
had the right plan to get the device out there we would not need this list.

What good is it having a technology list if once the technology is
created/refound it is suppressed (who believes that Greg's company is legit?),
Free energy devices/inventors that are now famous are not only in the past.

As I type there is somewhere the next great free energy inventor out there and
if he realeses his technogedgy the same way as everyone else we will still be
typing out emails about how to realize our dream.

So far we appear to be going in the wrong direction err? are we really going
somewhere? if so it is taking a long long time!

I do not want to start a chain of emails debating if this list should have
disscutions about how to get free energy out there or if there should be a list
for this but I do want to ask if it is not MOST IMPORTANT.

John Berry