Electric Accumulator Patents

Terry Bastian ( tbastian@dmv.com )
Sun, 25 Jan 1998 18:02:12 -0500

Electric Accumulator Patents

Prentice, Frank Wayatt of Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania
application number:(or patent) 253,765 (or 1,253,765)
Filed: Sept 22, 1923
Dated: Sept 15, 1925

Perrigo, Harry E. of Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri
Number: 78,719
Filed: Dec 31, 1925

Britten, Chancy J. of Charlotte, Michigan
Number: 1,826,727
Filed: April 20, 1928
Dated: Oct 13, 1931

Does anyone have any more????

Terry Bastian

Knowledge is the Perfection of FAITH....
Come! walk the path and take upon yourself the Quest for True Knowledge..
For Life is what happens when your planning other things....

Come and visit.....
Etherian Dream Weavers Place....
Where the mind dares to wander and one's future is not written in stone..

there once was a fellow named Bastian
whose manner was at times exasperin'**
when queried by friends "why?"
he'd reply on the sly;
"if I weren't, you'd need lots more aspirin"

** as in exasperating